Friday, March 31, 2017

April Fools' Day

I have heard of people waiting for Valentine’s Day to make love. I have seen them trying their best to make it possible. I knew that many fails but no blame, coz that’s the day all about. Indeed, those days were to remind us about the meaning of love. Love of all beings on the mother earth. Yet another day of similar kind but absolutely conflicting. Here’s to make fool, an April fool day. On that day, a year ago, I was made fool, completely fooled by her stories. She was merely a strange college girl. Stories were inconceivable, but I happen to believe it and paradoxically agreed to sacrifice my life and reassure my assistance. Soon after when she reminds me of the date, made me blockhead. 
Photo courtesy: Google
She laughed, when my heart beats. So obtuse of me. She started apologizing and ask for forgiveness and that’s how we started to chat and share more about each other and eventually falling for one another. Till now, among the thousands words exchanged, that April fool day was most unforgettable day. I used to be careful every time but on that day I failed and u got me. That’s the real you meant for me. 
Happy April fools' Day! Lol.

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